With great sadness, we inform you that Janice Clemens was suddenly chosen by God to be taken to heaven on 02/03/25.

With great sadness, we inform you that Janice Clemens was suddenly chosen by God to be taken to heaven on 02/03/25.
We believe the Bible is the complete and verbally inspired Word of God. It is made up of 66 books and is without error in its original manuscripts. As a result, it is the supreme standard for faith and conduct.
We believe in one living, eternal and true God, existing in three persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are coeternal, and coequal from all eternity. Each has distinct personalities, but all are of one essence, having the same attributes and perfections.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, coexistent with the Father and the Holy Spirit. We believe that He came to the world as a man without ceasing to be God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross as a vicarious substitutionary sacrifice for all sin. He was buried, rose again bodily from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven. He now acts as High Priest and serves as Intercessor and Advocate.
We believe in the personal, imminent, pre-millennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ in the air for His Church. We further believe that at least seven years later He will return again to the earth with His church. This return will be a personal, visible, physical, and glorious return at which time He will establish His Millennial Kingdom and reign in righteousness, justice, and true holiness.
We believe in the personal work of the Holy Spirit. This work includes the following:
We further believe that there is but one baptism of the Spirit into the Body of Christ, and that occurs at the time of Salvation. We also believe that Pentecost is an historical event and is not to be repeated. Furthermore, we believe that the Holy Spirit guides the believer into all truth, and that it is the believer's privilege and responsibility to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
We believe man was created in the image of God. In Adam's sin the human race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God. We further believe that man, being totally depraved, is, of himself, unable to remedy his lost condition.
We believe that salvation for the sinner is wholly of grace through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a gift from God, and all who receive Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming children of God. We further believe that all the redeemed, once saved, are kept secure by God's power.
We believe that all those who are justified by faith in Jesus Christ, will spend eternity in full enjoyment of God's presence. Those who refuse to accept God's offer of Salvation, and refuse to trust Him, and Him alone, to forgive their sin, will spend eternity in everlasting punishment.
We believe that all believers should live a God-honoring life that is above reproach and separated from religious apostasy and sinful pleasures and practices.
We believe that every believer has been made responsible for involvement in fulfilling the "Great Commission" of the Lord Jesus Christ to give the Gospel to every creature throughout the world.
We believe that Satan is a person (apparently the highest created angel), the author of sin, the cause of the fall, the open and declared enemy of God and man; he shall be eternally punished in the lake of fire.
Dr. David A. Clemens has been involved in a national and international Bible teaching ministry for over fifty years, traveling extensively throughout the United States as well as in thirty-one foreign countries. He is the author of Steps to Maturity, an extensive three-volume/six-book set of practical Biblical studies. God has graciously allowed these materials to be used in and translated into eight languages.
Overseas opportunities, each one spanning from one week to two years, include the countries of Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Spain, The Netherlands, England, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Jordan, The Philippines, Zimbabwe, Guyana, Zambia, and Cuba.
Dr. Clemens' domestic and overseas preaching/teaching responsibilities take him regularly to churches, summer Bible conferences, colleges, seminaries, retreats, and mission staff conventions. Conferences at which he has been privileged to minister include Montrose Bible Conference, Central Manor Bible Conference, America's Keswick, Odosagih Bible Conference, and The Fellowship Deaconry. It has also been his privilege to share the pulpit with men such as Drs. Lehman Strauss, Andrew Telford, Jack Wyrtzen, Donald Hubbard, William Mierop, Warren Wiersbe, James Jeremiah, and Art Larson. Among colleges at which he has been privileged to minister are Philadelphia Biblical University, The Kings College, Washington Bible College, Capitol Bible Seminary, Lancaster Bible College, Eastern College, Ontario Bible College, Columbia Bible College, Graham Bible College, Covenant College, Bryant College, Tennessee Temple Schools, Biblical Seminary, Asian Theological Seminary, and Southern Baptist Seminary in the Philippines. Missions staff and missionary groups to whom he has been privileged to speak include TEAM, Child Evangelism Fellowship, The Bible Club Movement, Inc., Overseas Christian Serviceman's Centers (Cadence), and Life and Mission Ministries in Poland.
Dr. Clemens was a missionary/Bible teacher under the auspices of BCM International, Inc. (formerly The Bible Club Movement, Inc.) for over thirty-two years and is now Bible Teacher and President of David Clemens Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc.
He has been listed in Who's Who in America for the years 1998 to the present.
Dr. Clemens was ordained to the ministry in 1964 and has earned the PhD. and Th.D. degrees. He has served in the pastorate and on the mission field, and now lives in Marlton, New Jersey, with his wife, Janice.
P.O. Box 411 • Marlton, NJ 08053
November 4, 2020
We summarize our appreciation of you with these very sincere words for you today: thank you for every prayer, every penny, every uplifting word, every kind and helpful act. So many of you have hugely helped to make the journey sweet. Nothing has been taken for granted. We together serve our marvelous God; and you are such a beautiful part of this work. We all have been chosen by Him to work "side by side" with other laborers until working days are done!!
And, although those working days are not done yet, they are changing ... from a predominantly travel-based to a home-based ministry. God has given us 55 wonderful years of mission service (57 for David), traveling to 40 different countries. We would not trade that for anything. And, now, God has led the David Clemens Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc. (DCBTM) and us to make the above-mentioned change; other less important factors for this change are physical limitations (several from our combined total of 32+ surgeries), our "high-risk" virus classification, the pandemic travel and grouping restrictions which necessitated cancellation of our 2020 trips to Spain and Holland), and lastly, our years. Lord willing, David will be 80 on his next birthday, and Janice will reach it 17 months later. (Where did those years go?!)
The precious GIFTS of God's Word have guided our way and shown us His path. "...this is the way; walk ye in it...." Isaiah 30:21 (Please note the specific similarities of the verses AND our situation!)
· GIFT #1. We hear the words ringing in our ears, over and over again: "...ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8. Well, for the ministry and us, the "uttermost part" and "Samaria" (those larger regions far from home), have been the priority for decades. But, Jesus' command also included/includes our own country, our own towns and cities, our own neighbors and friends, and surely, our own families, our own homes (Jerusalem)! Inspiring!
· GIFT #2. "Return to thine own house and show how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published...how great things Jesus had done." Luke 8:39
Interesting: before reading this verse, we had strongly been led to gather many of the God-Stories we have experienced; there's a ton! The goal: publish a book full of these God-Stories to share with others. AND, as the verse states, we are in our own house gathering them in preparation to publish them, to show what great things God has done for/to us!!! Amazing!
· GIFTS #'s 3-16! In a short time, our wonderful God had given us fourteen more guiding verses besides the first two! He really does speak through His Word and His Holy Spirit!
The "Shift" (change)
With our Board of Directors' approval and enthusiasm, and with our family's huge involvement already, we are keeping some things the same, but also changing and adjusting other things to better suit these years. Examples follow.
· Our mission statement reads, "Preaching and teaching God's inspired Word in order to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help meet the spiritual needs of His People." This has not changed, nor has our message.
· DCBTM, Inc. leadership: the present Board and Officers remain intact. These men have been mainstays, Godly, devoted, unfailing friends...gifts from our Father.
· David continues to study, write messages, help young leaders in the work of God, counsel here and overseas; he resumed public preaching November 1, 2020, within the confines of the pandemic restrictions.
· Due to Biblical leading and Board advice, we will be traveling/speaking only on a limited, case-by-case basis. Most will be within a smaller radius than previously.
· Sons Stephen and Daniel will continue to have major, active roles with increased responsibility in DCBTM; they have been faithfully involved since its inception in 2001. We cannot even list all they do. Humanly speaking, without them, this ministry would have been absolutely impossible. We are thankful beyond words for them.
· Regarding any contribution: the only noticeable difference for the donor would be that the notes accompanying receipts will possibly be penned in the future by Daniel instead of David and Janice.
· DCTBM, Inc. Contact Information:
o Website: www.clemensbtm.org
o Phone: 856.983.0189 (If no answer, leave message and phone number.)
Now, here are some "household chores" we share with you:
· Due to this transition from a primarily travel-based ministry to a home-based ministry, please know that we surely understand and want you to feel at liberty if you choose to transition your financial support from DCBTM, Inc. to a different ministry. We should note that as our travel decreases, so do our expenses. Please know that, no matter what God leads you to do, you will always be thought of and remembered as "our supporter." This is now, and it will always be our mental and heart involvement with you. It has been our practice for as long as we can remember.
· We ask a favor, if we may: If any information on your letter's envelope is incorrect, or if we need an update as to the health or location of the one to whom this is addressed, PLEASE forgive us. If you would be willing, please give us such an update, health report, approaching address change, etc. Also, please do tell us if there is a bittersweet word that someone you/we know has been lovingly and safely borne Home to Heaven.
· As always, please keep praying that we will fulfill God's perfect plan...even though we are imperfect people; and pray that we will share the way to Heaven with EVERYONE in that plan. GOD HAS FILLED OUR DAYS WITH WORK FOR HIM, AND WE ARE GLAD.
Thank you for the privilege of serving alongside you to further the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and for your understanding as we embark on this new “chapter” in serving Him. As long as we have the ability, we will not forget you and all you have meant to us in countless ways. God made the perfect choices when He chose us to work together in this little corner of His big field. We will be thankful for you all the way Home and beyond.
Your brother and sister in Christ, with enduring love,
David and Janice